
Aggregate Spend Boot Camp Faculty from Porzio

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Aug 23, 2011 9:28:00 AM

The faculty at CBI’s Aggregate Spend Boot Camp included John Patrick Oroho, Michelle D. Axelrod, Christine N. Bradshaw and Justin C. Hallberg from Porzio Pharmaceutical Services.

As lead-in session to the 5th Annual Tracking State Laws and Aggregate Spend Conference on August 15, the Porzio attorneys presented a 3.5 hour, intensive session on state and federal aggregate spend reporting, with a significant focus on the Physician Payment Sunshine Act.

Porzio Pharmaceutical Services and its law firm parent, Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, are recognized leaders in the aggregate spend community, focused on legal and regulatory operationalizing of aggregate spend requirements.

These faculty members are responsible for the development and implementation of its top-rated Porzio AggregateSpendID, Porzio’s aggregate spend system.